The Power of Zero Podcast

Hosted by David McKnight

Tax rates 10 years from now are likely to be much higher than they are today. Is your retirement plan ready? Learn how to avoid the coming tax freight train and maximize your retirement dollars.

A recent Penn Wharton study found that the federal government will have to dramatically raise taxes within the next 20 years to avoid sliding into a debt spiral of high interest rates and debt payments. Former comptroller General David Walker has...

Former comptroller general of the federal government, David Walker, believes that tax rates will have to double, in order to avoid a financial collapse. The U.S. Government should be helped in preventing their growth. David McKnight points out a...

Today’s episode is part 4 of David’s interview for Jesse Wright’s podcast, and it addresses the best way to figure out how much money you’ll need to be able to retire. David explains how to be able to identify what your retirement shortfall is...

Today’s episode is part three of David’s interview on Jesse Wright’s podcast. They discuss the best way to ensure your savings last as long as you do.  Jesse shares a shocking stat: 65-year-old married couples have an 18% chance that at...

Today’s episode is the second part of David’s interview for Jesse Wright’s podcast. Beware of what you see on social media, says David. A lot of that content is by wayward life insurance agents employing pretty despicable tactics. David shares...

Today’s episode is part 1 of David’s appearance on Jesse Wright’s podcast. Jesse asks David where one should start from when thinking about retirement. David points out that the types of accounts which one saves money for retirement really...

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