
We believe financial education is indispensable. Having the right information can empower you to act with clarity and confidence, and to ultimately live a more intentional and meaningful life.

Brian Hanson

Many people believe the Three Percent Rule is the best retirement rate withdrawal strategy but read on to learn what you really need to know.

Brian Hanson

Retirement risk comes in many varieties, and we’ll be reviewing the dangers of withdrawal rate risk, long-term care risk, and inflation risk.

Brian Hanson

Sequence-of-return-risk could cause you to run out of money in retirement and its danger is multiplied by something called longevity risk, too.

Brian Hanson

Longevity risk means the risk of running out of money in retirement and it’s a very real retirement risk you need to mitigate against as you plan your future

Brian Hanson

One of the greatest retirement risks we all face is the near-certain prospect of tax rate increases and planning ahead is the best way to secure your retirement finances.

Brian Hanson

Putting all your hard-earned money into tax-deferred accounts is only smart if you’ll be in a lower tax bracket in retirement – and many retirees are not.

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