
We believe financial education is indispensable. Having the right information can empower you to act with clarity and confidence, and to ultimately live a more intentional and meaningful life.

Brian Hanson

A Roth conversion, and specifically a PIRC, can be a valuable strategy to create tax-free lifetime income for yourself and your family.

Brian Hanson

Most insurance companies allow investors to convert their fixed FIA to a Roth IRA prior to electing their guaranteed lifetime income, but to align your tax-free stars you’ll need an option I call “PIRC.”

Brian Hanson

The SPIA is a tool for guaranteed lifetime income and the FIA provides an option that overcomes the three main complaints regarding SPIAs.

Brian Hanson

An SPIA provides a savvy approach to guaranteed income for life, but many Americans aren’t investing in them due to three common concerns.

Brian Hanson

Utilizing an SPIA strategy for guaranteed lifetime income solves many common retirement income planning challenges and provides peace of mind.

Brian Hanson

Getting your retirement withdrawal rate right is critical to ensuring you don’t outlive your nest egg, so read on to learn about four significant shortcomings of the Three Percent Rule.

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