This episode focuses on the unsettling math behind Dave Ramsey’s recommendation to buy term and invest the difference.
David shares the definition of the ‘Buy Term and Invest the Difference’ approach, and talks about Ramsey’s claim that permanent life insurance is a rip-off.
For David, Dave Ramsey makes a big mistake for the fact that his analysis doesn’t include two major expenses: the cost of term life insurance and the expense ratio inside Roth accounts.
David feels that Dave Ramsey omits key details about permanent life insurance over time, in an attempt to justify his claim that permanent life insurance is a rip-off.
David suggests making your permanent life insurance the bond portion of your overall investment portfolio. His advice is to reach into your current investment portfolio, take out your bond allocation, and replace it with permanent life insurance.
David discloses that he isn’t trying to make the case that you should put all of your money into the LIRP – what Dave Ramsey calls permanent life insurance. He suggests that Ramsey has taken a disingenuous approach in his claim that ‘Buy Term and Invest the Difference’ is the only way to go.
Mentioned in this episode:
David’s books: Power of Zero, Look Before Your LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free video series)
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